
James Roger Brown, SociologistSM

December 12, 2002

This week's questions came by e-mail from "philparke."

"What do you believe is the reason for the rampant drugging of children within the education system? How can parents' stop this action?"


We need not resort to beliefs to understand how this situation developed. Using the education system as a vehicle for increasing prescription drug consumption is one result of a shift in social perception from the school as an institution of education to the school as an unexploited marketing tool. This perceptual shift did not just occur among prescription drug manufacturers.

There are now a substantial number of special interest groups pursuing use of the education system to market products, ideas, beliefs, alternative lifestyles and "social services" under force of legal sanctions to generate revenue or force participation in activities a particular interest group desires to see occur or not occur. Some of these child exploitation special interests are food corporations, condom manufacturers, "counselors," mental health practitioners, religious groups, child protection service workers, homosexuals, dairy interests, teachers and principals desiring to keep their income (despite incompetence demonstrated by the superior academic performance of home schooling students), and other special interests. Schools have essentially been transformed into predatory zones with students as economic, ideological, junk science, sexual and other types of prey. With the influx of competing interests seeking to exploit the education system, schools have become economic, political and legal battlegrounds for issues that have nothing to do with education. Perhaps the dynamics of this exploitative process and Conflict can better be demonstrated using a less complex example.

There was a time within the memory of many of us still living when no vending machines were present in school buildings. Then carbonated beverage manufacturers convinced education system administrators to allow placement of vending machines dispensing canned or bottled soft drinks. They did so by going into business with the education system. Profits from each vending machine were shared with the school in which it was placed. A virtually universal provision of such contracts prohibited vending any other beverage products, such as milk and juice drinks. Milk and juice producers and distributors were not pleased. Competition developed to place vending machines dispensing other beverages in schools.

The social components of this process are listed below with web sites containing material that demonstrates each process.

Social processes of converting the education system into a marketing system exploiting students:

1.Market Opened By First Product: School vending machine contracts and measures to exclude market penetration by other products:Coke Hires PR Flacks to Protect School Vending Machines: Coke Revises School Contracts:

2.Market Competition Develops:

                            i."Experts" Identify Need or Benefit
Cornell Food and Nutrition: Timely Topics - Putting Milk in School Vending Machines:

                            ii.Professional Associations Become Involved
Food Systems Insider: Linking You Through The Food Chain: Vending machines promote milk to kids:

                            iii.Product And Service Producers Perceive New Market Potential
Milk Vending: Bring Milk to School Kids!: Milk Vending in Elkhart County:
PCC Natural Markets: Sound Consumer: Milk: Schools vending machines got milk — and students are getting it, too:

3.Congressmen And Legislators Become Advocates For Constituent Economic Interests
[Senator Chuck] Schumer to NYC Schools: Got Milk? Topics:
FREE PRESS: VENDING MACHINES IN SCHOOLS: What does pop really cost?:

4.Market Conflict Results in Legislative "Investigations"
National Conference of State Legislatures: Junk Food in Schools:

5.5. Education System Policy Decisions Become Business Decisions
British Soft Drinks Association:
NYSSBA Online: Issues in Education: Vending machines dispense cash to districts:
Oregon State Website: FAQ - Beverage vending:

The web site for the National Dairy Council Newsletter "Mealtime Sampler" at lists the following articles relating to vending milk in public schools:

Milk Vending Miami Success!
Students Drink More Milk When It's Vended!
It's Cool to Have Milk Vending in Your Schools
Milk Vending As an Option for Your Schools
Ice Cold Milk in Vending Machines
Students and Food Service Programs Win With Milk Vending
Serve More Milk In A Vending Machine
Milk Drinking at School - Omaha Students Now May "Get Milk" Straight from the Vending Machine
Milk Vending Machines on the Horizon - A Nutritious Solution to Soft Drinks!

These processes do not occur in sequence or isolation. They are dynamic interactive processes that take place concurrently after the initial product is introduced into the school system, in this case soft drinks. If we were to examine the equivalent literature for all the special interests involved in increasing prescription drug consumption through the education system we would be able to find similar documentation of these social processes for each of them.

It is necessary to understand these basic social processes to comprehend the additional special interests involved in converting the education system into a marketing system for increasing prescription drug consumption. The problem you ask about is substantially the product of ruthless antifamily and antimale political extremists in the feminist movement uniting with organized crime elements in the medical, mental health, social work, and child protection systems that have not been addressed by United State law enforcement agencies and the respective professional organizations. To mix some metaphors, in a situation with this many co-exploiters of children, no one wants to slit the throat of someone else's goat lest their own ox be gored.


To give some idea of the elemental issues involved in the use of the education system for artificially increasing prescription drug consumption as contrasted with increasing milk consumption, we can begin at the theoretical top of the legal food chain, international law. Both the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948) (UNUDHR) and the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (1989) (UNCRC) recognize the Family as the basic unit of civilization, that its sanctity should be protected by society, and that it should have the authority and responsibility in child raising. Article 33 of the UNCRC states:


"Parties shall take all appropriate measures, including legislative, administrative, social and educational measures, to protect children from the illicit use of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances as defined in the relevant international treaties, and to prevent the use of children in the illicit production and trafficking of such substances."

The Nuremberg Medical Trials at the end of World War II established the international principal that no human being should be subjected to experimentation without their informed consent. Under United States Code and various State Codes, children are not capable of giving their informed consent until specifically identified ages for various purposes. Children prescribed and administered prescription drugs for fictitious problems, "educational purposes," or for purposes other than those uses the drug has been tested for effectiveness are being subjected to experimentation and exploitative abuse.

How can parents' stop this action?

Many states have enacted laws regarding deceptive and unconscionable trade practices. Depending upon State of residence, if you consult an attorney, you may discover that teachers, physicians, mental health and social work practitioners using methodology that produces false positive diagnosis of need for prescription drugs may violate deceptive and unconscionable trade practice restrictions for those operating businesses. Where such laws exist, they usually apply to any business operating in a State. Physicians, psychiatrists, psychologist, social workers and child protection system workers acting in concert with or as "agents" for businesses contriving to use diagnostic instruments or examinations to produce false positive diagnoses of the need for prescription drugs may be violating deceptive and unconscionable trade practice provision of State Code. You would need to consult an attorney in your respective State to determine the applicability of any unconscionable and deceptive trade practice law.

You may also discuss with an attorney the applicability of international law, accords, conventions and treaties to specific circumstances.

Shutting down the political, organized crime and corrupt professional interests that have acted in concert to convert the education system to into a system for marketing prescription drugs to children is a different problem. One thing to keep in mind is that allies might be found in other groups who oppose the increasing commercialization of the education system. Surprisingly this may include college professors and some teacher organizations. Many such groups may be unaware that the specific issue of concern to them is produced by the same basic problem behind using the education system to dispense prescription drugs to children. It might be possible to build a coalition of such groups around the central purpose of reversing the commercialization of the education system. Success at attempting this change should also alleviate the individual issues.

The basic options for prevailing in such a conflict with an alliance of political extremists and organized crime elements acting in concert, involve adopting appropriate strategy and tactics to:

1. Ensure that current law being violated is acted upon by law enforcement and prosecutorial agencies:

2. Work to enact new legislation that may be necessary, in this case new legislation making science fraud a criminal offense using, at minimum, the United States Supreme Court standards adopted in Daubert v. Merrel Dow Pharmaceuticals, Inc., 509 US 579 (1993) for the purpose of distinguishing science from pseudoscience. There is currently no State or Federal law prohibiting science fraud known to the author.

3. Some of the fraudulent information elements may possibly be challenged under the Federal Data Quality Act (FDQA) which went into effect October 1, 2002. This act allows challenges to information disseminated by Federal Agencies. The Center For Regulatory Effectiveness ( may have the most comprehensive information on legal aspects and implementation of the FDQA. The author has written an article on application of the FDQA, "US Citizens Have a New Big Stick to Use," posted at which provides an overview of potential applications.

4. Ending use of the education system to increase prescription drug consumption will require a change in management. New law enforcement command and prosecuting attorneys will have to be placed in charge who are committed to arresting and convicting the perpetrators of science fraud and organized crime, without which the abusive drugging of children could not take place.

The old saw that "all politics is local" definitely applies here. In many ways, County Sheriffs are the most powerful law enforcement positions in our system of government. County or district prosecutors with the same commitment should be elected or little change will result.


Many groups opposing the various ways children are exploited and abused through the education system may be making strategic and tactical errors in focusing on finding a solution at the national and public relations level. A more effective strategy would be to recruit candidates for County Sheriff and Prosecutor at the county or district level that are qualified to detect and prosecute these criminal elements. The key to winning in the political process will be building a coalition among relevant interests on the common goal of restoring education as the only focus of the education system. Deceptive attempts by any group participating in such a coalition to simply remove everything but what they want marketed through the education system will result in no change in the destructive process. Everyone is going to have to get their economic, religious, antireligious, political, criminal, professional, and any other noneducational finger out of the educational pie for the destruction to be reversed for the next generation of children. The irreparable damage has already been done to this generation. The ultimate litmus test will be whether groups seeking change really want the educational system restored in a way that will benefit children or their own special interest.

Despite the growing public awareness that the education system is being destroyed through the increasing diversion of time and resources into noneducational activities, including the dissipation of children's ability to learn through forced drugging, no person or group has successfully implemented a strategy to stop it. Many diverse interest groups must find a way to adopt a common strategy to effectively counteract the combined political, legal, criminal and economic resources available to the professions and drug manufacturers benefitting from exploiting the education system to increase prescription drug consumption and provide related services. Attempting to stop someone engaged in a criminal enterprise of this magnitude will be an ugly affair. It is reasonable to expect that anyone ruthless and brutal enough to profit from forcing children to take drugs that are unnecessary or destroy their minds and bodies will be decidedly unpleasant to stop. It may take a substantial army of Sheriffs or other dedicated law enforcement to put them out of business. This destruction will continue until someone organizes effective countermeasures.

Send in your questions by either of the following means:


Regular Mail:
P.O. Box 101
Worthington, KY 41183
Telephone: (606) 836-7613


This column is a corruption, fraud, junk science, and organized crime free zone. The Sociology of KnowledgeSM theory and derived methodology relied upon to respond to submitted questions were developed to comply with the testability, falsifiability, and refutability standards for distinguishing science from pseudoscience adopted by the United States Supreme Court in Daubert v. Merrell Dow Pharmaceuticals, Inc., 509 US 579, 113 S.Ct. 2786 (1993). No derived methodology or instrument is structured to produce false positive or false negative results when applied.


Individuals are responsible for the consequences of their own decisions. Any individual who must make a decision regarding problems encountered in the normal course of living is responsible for obtaining the information necessary to make an informed decision. No one should rely upon a single source of information in making a life changing decision or dealing with a specific crisis unless there is absolutely no alternative. Anyone who makes such a decision without making every effort possible to inform and prepare themselves is responsible for any adverse consequences resulting from that negligence. While responses to questions appearing in this column are based upon the application of a specific theory of the Sociology of KnowledgeSM and proprietary trade secret sociological methodology developed by James Roger Brown, SociologistSM, anyone choosing to act upon this information should only do so after determining all options, determining that the information applies to their specific situation and after comparing the information with other sources and perspectives to identify the best course of action for them under their respective circumstances. As has been the reality since the day you were born, proceed at your own risk and God be with you.

© Copyright December 12, 2002, by James Roger Brown. All rights reserved.